Friday 25 September 2015

What dreams may come..

Life isn't very easy is it? When you feel like an outsider looking in, when you always felt so different to everyone else, when no one ever seems to get you?

Luckily for most of you reading this now you are getting the answers you have always wanted. You have started to find others like you, thanks to those who have been working hard to call you back to your own Kin. Your Kin might be far away and it is only the internet that finally brought you back to them. Suddenly your small world, trapped in isolation becomes bigger and possibilities start to blossom in your mind.

What if we don't have to live like this? Imagine a world where you no longer had to follow the latest fashions in a media hell that tells you what you should look like and how to dress. Imagine a world where people weren't selfish, shallow and self-centred? Can you? You probably can because deep within your genetic memories you remember a place like that. A place where everyone pulled together to help each other, a place where money didn't exist, just barter, care and share systems. You probably have a deep longing to live like that again, living in harmony with nature, living from the land and doing away with mass produced factory foods and toxic pesticides. A place where we can run free in the fields and forest and feel at one with our beautiful planet, that all too often these days in modern society we are disconnected from and feel like aliens in a strange land.

We can recreate our dream, and in fact as you read this the process is already starting... Some of us who are tired of the life in the modern world, in the materialistic dog eat dog societies, have got together and decided to realise the dream of living in harmony with nature.

We have purchased a farm in rural Sweden, a place that is tranquil and away from the hustle and bustle of city life, with a great climate and many opportunities for turning it into an eco village that is sustainable and off-grid. The whole process has to start somewhere and someone had to start it, and that bit, the hardest bit is now done. But to realise the full dream, to be totally off-grid and self sufficient, the village will need more Kin to come forward and help it all come into vivid, bright and colourful reality.

Having bought the 16 acre farm our funds are now completely depleted and there is so much more to do to it get up and running.

1, We need people who want come to live and work there.

2, We need people to volunteer to come and work there to help get it all set up.

3, We need people to invest.

With your help this dream can become a reality, even if you don't want to live there full time, just knowing there is somewhere in the world you can escape to is immensely appealing. In the future more land can be bought and in different areas and countries, spreading the dream and making it a reality to even more of our Kin.

Are you willing to be one of those who dared to make dreams come true, or will you simply read this, and then go back to the sad greyness of your current reality?

Dare you make dreams become reality?

Please visit the Theomerla site now and decide whether you want to become a friend of Theomerla, a shareholding member, a volunteer or simply make a donation. You may even want to consider becoming a full time resident.

Monday 1 June 2015

Discrimination against our Bloodline, will it ever end?

After JK Rowling's nasty comment recently implying that people with slopping foreheads are stupid, violent attacks on those with red hair, bullying of young red headed children leading to suicide, is there ever going to be an end to the hate crimes against our people?

Only in very recent times has it been admitted that we can actually talk!!

This is not just a problem for pure blooded of our species, it affects all of those of you who are strong in our genes, meaning you have higher than normal intelligence, Rh negative blood and often red hair and blue eyes. The very traits that are quickly being wiped out as the more intelligent someone is, the less likely they are to have children, as those are the ones who care about the world and are concerned about the overpopulation problems. Where as the more stupid people breed without regard, often having more than three children!